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15/01/2024 | Mirjam Glessmer

A Bicycle Model to Help Thinking About Teaching About Sustainability in a Holistic Way

A useful model to consider when planning or reflecting on teaching of topics in sustainability or climate change. It's not just the wheels of knowledge and skills that make a bike work, you also need a frame, support, a goal that you are heading towards. The analogy works surprisingly well, according to the study presented here, but also to personal experience!
  • Literature
09/01/2024 | Mirjam Glessmer

But What If Our Students Get Paralysed By Fear?

We often think of possible responses to fear as fight, flight, or freeze. It is easy to transfer this thinking on our teaching about topics like sustainability and climate change: in response to realising the extent of the problems we are facing, students can step up and take action, they can just not engage with the material and ignore the threat as much as possible (if I don't think about it, it can't be real, can it?), or they can get paralysed by the enormity of the problem. According to this study, though, this is very unlikely to happen if you do "feat appeals" right.
  • Literature
09/01/2024 | Mirjam Glessmer

Head-Hand-Heart: One of Our Favourite Frameworks to Approach Teaching Sustainability

Teaching sustainability can never be only about the cognitive aspects, the "head" part, of learning. If we want students to fully engage with a topic, there need to be some aspects of both "heart" and "hands" involved, too. This is a super useful framework to think about our teaching -- which aspects are we currently engaging? And what might we want to do to engage also other aspects?
  • Literature