“Using Wicked Problems when Teaching for Sustainability in Air Pollution Courses – Design of Examples and Problem Descriptions” by Johan Friberg, Joakim Pagels, Jenny Rissler, and Aneta Wierzbicka

Figure 1. Aerosol related courses taught at the Departments of Physics, and Aerosol and Ergonomics for each study period (”läsperiod”, LP). Environmental Monitoring (FKFN35), Aerosol Technology (MAMF55), Aerosol Technology Project (MAMN20), Air, Particles and Health (MAMN75), Atmospheric Physics and Chemistry (FKFN45).

Air pollution in the form of aerosol particles has a controlling effect on several of our major societal and environmental challenges. Exposure to air pollution is the largest environmental health risk factor in Europe, including ambient, indoor and workplace exposure. Aerosol particles in the atmosphere are furthermore one of the major uncertainties when predicting future climate scenarios. Aerosols are also important as they have a controlling impact on disease transmission as demonstrated by the recent pandemic.

The engineers educated at LTH will develop the green technologies of the future (for example within transport and energy, circular materials and the built environment) and need to understand the overall sustainability aspects of the new technologies they develop. They also need to understand different viewpoints, interests, and consequences of the technologies. Theories and tasks on basic physics, chemistry and measurement of aerosols can be classified as “tame” problems using the terminology introduced by Rittel and Webber (1973). Tame problems can be taught with traditional methods used in natural science and engineering. However, societal challenges and problems differ substantially, and the solutions are often not “right or wrong” but “better or worse”, making traditional educational approaches less effective. These types of problems can be considered “wicked” problems (Rittel and Webber, 1973).

Using wicked problems in teaching and learning presents challenges due to their complex, interconnected nature and lack of clear-cut solutions and interconnection with other problems/issues (Lönngren, 2021). According to Conklin (2006), wicked problems are inherently different from ordinary problems because they have no definitive formulation and no true stopping rule. Therefore, in our opinion, using wicked problems in teaching as a basis for discussions presents an interesting tool to emphasize the complexity of real-world sustainability challenges. To cite Laurence J. Peter “Some problems are so complex that you have to be highly intelligent and well informed just to be undecided about them.” However, criticism has arisen regarding the treatment of complex problems as ‘wicked,’ as it can lead to the notion that ‘all is relative,’ resulting in indecision. This, in turn, often neglects the practical aspects for those who need to address and act on these complex issues (Noordegraaf et al., 2019). The use of the term “wicked problems” in sustainability literature was recently reviewed (Lönngren and van Poeck, 2021). It was found that the concept is not always consistently applied and authors in the literature ascribe many different meanings to the concept.

Wicked problems are typically addressed by different interest groups (stakeholders) with different, often conflicting, viewpoints. Hence, possible solutions require compromises and trade-offs. To address these issues already in the education of the next generation of engineers, Savin-Baden (2000) suggests embedding problem-based learning (PBL) in curricula, which encourages students to engage with real-world problems through critical thinking and collaborative learning. PBL has been shown to promote deeper understanding, increase student motivation and engagement and promote teamwork and collaboration. However, the problem formulations are often quite open, where students set up their own learning goals and it often lack the element of different conflicting viewpoints that may be needed to contribute to solve our major complex societal challenges.

The “wicked problem” approach has been used in teaching for some time. Positive aspects of such approach include active student participation, development of critical thinking, transdisciplinary learning, student-centered learning (through discussions, shaping the learning process, co-creation), situated learning (real-world context). Some challenges with using wicked problems in teaching have also been described for example frustration and stress from students who expect to be given a straightforward answer or solution to a problem. Such stress is not productive for the learing process (Cilliers et al. 2010) and may lead to students not daring to engage in discussions, not knowing how to approach the problem and not knowing what is expected from them. It is therefore important to help the students to reduce their stress and explain to them how they should approach the problem, without loosing the complexity in the problem itself (Lönngren 2021). It has been suggested to use a hopeful way to teach and learn about unwieldy and overwhelming issues that many of today’s undergraduates will inevitably be expected to confront in the future (Sharp et al. 2021).

The course “Sustainable development in Nano-Perspectives” at the engineering nanoscience program at LTH in Lund was initiated with a large degree of student involvement (Lönngren et al. 2010). The course includes a “matrix” approach with stakeholder groups and interdisciplinary groups. More recently, Lönngren (2021) describes design principles to formulate wicked problems for engineering and natural science education. Her recommendation is to start with a problem that engages the students and choose interest groups and stakeholders that make it possible to discuss the problem from different perspectives. Conflicts of interest between the groups are clearly marked in the problem formulations. At least one perspective and argument is included for each interest group. Most importantly, it is stressed to formulate a concrete context, a clear goal and a receiver for the task to reduce student’s stress and to get them to focus on the problem. It is further recommended not to formulate the right answer as yes or no and not recommended to give the students a set of solutions to choose from, as there is a risk that the students relatively fast decide for one solution and that there is nothing more to discuss (Dobson & Tomkinson, 2012). It is better to keep the potential solutions open so that the students get the chance to discuss the problem without preconceived notions and to come up with their own “solutions”.

There is a series of courses in aerosol science that we teach (Figure 1). The courses provide students the opportunity to gain extensive expertise in the field and to connect air pollution problems to their expertise at different engineering programs at LTH. Aerosol sciences are relevant for several of the SDGs as further elaborated in section 4 in this report. We as teachers always touch upon sustainability issues throughout these courses, even though sustainability itself is seldom the main character in our teaching activities/sessions.

Figure 1. Aerosol related courses taught at the Departments of Physics, and Aerosol and Ergonomics for each study period (”läsperiod”, LP). Environmental Monitoring (FKFN35), Aerosol Technology (MAMF55), Aerosol Technology Project (MAMN20), Air, Particles and Health (MAMN75), Atmospheric Physics and Chemistry (FKFN45).

In this work we explore if and how we can use “wicked problems” in teaching for sustainability in Aerosol education at LTH. Within this overarching goal we plan specifically to a) explore different approaches to introduce wicked problems in our courses and b) create portfolio of wicked problems in four different aerosol related areas put in a larger sustainability perspective.

We plan to introduce wicked problems in different courses taught by us as a means of fostering discussions among the students, helping them to engage and leading to active participation. This will in turn also help students to develop the skills needed to meet real-life challenges related to sustainable development and to contribute to solve complex problems such as air pollution, climate, spread of infectious deceases, and circular economy.

Introducing sustainability considerations throughout the course(s)

We aim to include the sustainability aspects and the concept of using wicked problems in the course syllabus and considered when aligning learning outcomes, teaching and learning activities and assessment/examination through constructive alignment (Biggs,1996). The students will be introduced to the wicked problem methodology already at the intro-meeting of the course, provided with experience from teachers and researchers who work with sustainability, along with examples on how the wicked problem approach can be applied to non-tame problems in the air pollution field. Also, the involved teachers shall be introduced to the concepts at an early stage – preferably during the planning of the course.

The following are examples to introduce sustainability throughout the course.

  • Discussions, of a topic and wicked problem defined by the teacher, during an ordinary lecture (for example 15-20 min group discussions or dedicated discussion sessions (seminars) lasting 1-2h). This is further elaborated in section 3 below.
  • Require that the students integrate sustainability considerations in the course project work, which will form part of the grade from the project. The projects are preferably based on wicked problems, enabling in-depth sustainability-oriented discussions in project reports and oral presentations.
  • Assessment of sustainability considerations at written and oral exams (learning outcome), where questions are designed to focus on sustainability issues in addition to topic specific (mono-disciplinary) knowledge and methods.

Since many of the aerosol courses involve several lecturers with different expertice, the course coordinators must ensure that all teachers in given courses are aware of the plans and link/emphasize sustainability issues in their lectures using the “wicked problem approach”. The students are expected to take leading roles in the teaching practice, but teachers must overview the discussions to ensure that the discussions are on-topic and to help students to advance if they are stuck to avoid the frustration that may arise if not.

How to conduct the discussions – practical approach

Wicked problems typically lack clear-cut solutions and involve multiple stakeholders with various interests and viewpoints. Our idea is to utilize this complexity to facilitate sustainability consideration discussions where students analyze information, consider diverse viewpoints, think critically, gain a holistic approach, and also train in negotiations, finding common grounds, reaching compromises, and agreeing on solutions with the least negative consequences (they can foresee). We see that this would suit teaching aerosol science in a very good way and widen the scope of education when creating discussion activities that allow students to reflect on their new gained knowledge.

Below we list four examples of wicked problems (portfolio of cases), within each author’s expertise, that can be used as basis for discussions. Depending on the subject, students’ knowledge of the subjects and their skills in team discussions, these can be introduced gradually – also depending on the number of lectures allocated to the specific topic (which varies between courses and topics):

  1. Short discussions focused on finding arguments for pre-defined stakeholder representatives. A thorough background info to be given by the teacher followed by splitting the students into smaller groups of mixed pre-defined and assigned stakeholder representatives. After 10-15 min discussions in smaller groups – each group presents their discussions/agreements, and the teacher(s) summarizes the arguments for all course participants.
  2. Longer discussions (30-45 min), where after introduction of the problem, students are asked to define stakeholder groups themselves and put forward the arguments/different viewpoints, session ends with summary for all course participants.
  3. Matrix group discussions with stakeholder groups and interdisciplinary groups in 2 h sessions where students first define stakeholder perspectives, then are divided into stakeholder groups to prepare themselves. This is followed by interdisciplinary mixed groups with one representative from each stakeholder in each group, representing the viewpoints. Here students are asked to put forward the best possible solutions and describe the trade-offs. Session finishes with presentations from the mixed groups to all course participants in a session lead by the teacher(s) followed by the teacher(s) summary.

Aerosols and Sustainability

Aerosol science has a clear and direct impact on several of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). As air pollution poses a risk to human health globally and influences the climate, and thus, the link between air pollution and the SDGs is encapsulated particularly in SDG 3, which focuses on good health and well-being, in SDG 13, climate action, and in SDG 11, which emphasizes sustainable cities and communities. Reducing air pollution can improve public health by decreasing diseases, enhancing the quality of life, and increasing productivity. Furthermore, by specifically addressing air pollution, cities can become more sustainable, for example by offering more efficient public transport and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. This not only improves the health of urban populations but also contributes to the mitigation of climate change under SDG 13 by reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Aerosol particles and aerosol-cloud influence on the Earth’s radiation balance hold the largest uncertainties in the current climate projections. The uncertainties in future precipitation patterns are far larger than in the temperature. Decreased precipitation in dry regions will pose more stress on societies in the coming decades (SDG 6, clean water and sanitation). Our inability to predict future warming and precipitation accurately limits our ability to design effective mitigation strategies and to adapt to the changing climate (SDG 13), which indirectly influences several of the SDGs. Effective management of air quality therefore intersects with multiple sustainability objectives, from health to sustainable urban planning and climate action, highlighting the necessity of integrated approaches to pollution control and urban development. We aim to use hopefulness (Sharp et al. 2021) when teaching air pollution for sustainability using successful examples of how wicked air pollution problems from the past were solved e.g. acidification, ozone hole or tobacco smoking.

Portfolio of cases: Wicked problems for Air Pollution Courses

The authors of this work have expertise in different societal sectors and regularly interact with stakeholders in these sectors. We have designed four different cases formulated as wicked problems within aerosol science capturing sustainability aspects discussions. All these problems deal with aerosols and air pollution to different degrees and also address the larger sustainability contexts and the transition to new “green” technologies and that are central at different LTH programs (Examples below):

1. Indoor Air Quality and Energy Efficiency (V program),

2. Electrification of Road Traffic (M, W


3. Circular Economy and Secondary Use of Materials (N, V Programs),

4. Trade-offs between Climate and Health Impacts of Aerosols (W Program).

Wicked problem related to indoor air quality

Is use of portable air cleaners justified in Sweden?

Background info: Air cleaners based on mechanical filtration can effectively remove airborne particles (linked to respiratory and cardiovascular diseases) hence improving indoor air quality where we spend 90% of the time. There are various manufacturers of air cleaners, and some of heavily promoted solutions (e.g. ozone generators) lack scientific basis to prove positive effects on air quality and in the worst-case scenario can lead to formation of air pollutants (by-products) that can have negative health effects and cause airways and eyes irritation. In many parts of the world where outdoor air quality is very poor (high concentration of air pollutants) it might be that to maintain acceptable air quality indoors air cleaners are needed. Especially in the case of homes where sensitive subgroups of the populations reside (e.g. children, elderly, and individuals with existing respiratory and cardiovascular diseases). On the other hand, outdoor air quality in Sweden seldom exceeds EU ambient air quality limits. Considering climate change we all strive for energy use optimization, whereas use of portable air cleaners means increase in energy use. (Additional level of complexity depending on students’ skills: WHO air quality guidelines vs EU air quality limits, aspects of ventilation in buildings and filtration of supplied air in buildings (where such option is possible), different types of ventilation different possibilities, costs associated with it)).

Possible stakeholder groups: energy agency, company manufacturing ozone generators, company manufacturing portable air cleaners based on mechanical filtration, property owners, housing associations, parents of children with respiratory diseases, asthma and allergy association. (Additional: ventilation company, municipal environmental protection department))

Course where the problem may be implemented: TFRC06/MAMF55

Wicked Problem on Transport Emissions and Health – Clean Air Zones

Sweden is considering to introduce clean air zones in the central parts of it´s major cities. The aim is to reduce the population exposure to health relevant air pollutants and noise.

Combustion Vehicles using Gasoline and Diesel give rise to tailpipe emissions containing ultrafine particles, Black Carbon and Nitrogen Oxides with documented adverse health impacts (lung disease, cardiovascular disease etc). However, the latest vehicles following the Euro 6 emission legislation are equipped with advanced after treatment systems that have strongly reduced emission levels. Low carbon fuels such as Biodiesel, alcohols and biogas have lower emission levels compared to the fossil fuels, but exhaust emissions remain.

To reduce the climate footprint the vehicle fleet is now becoming increasingly electrified. Electrical vehicles eliminate tail-pipe emissions but non-exhaust particle emissions from brakes, tyres and road dust remain. Non-exhaust emissions already today dominate the transport particle emissions by mass (PM2.5 and PM10) and contain toxic substances such as metal oxides, microplastics and quartz. However, the health impacts of non-exhaust emissions remain poorly understood. EU has agreed on the world´s first emission standard for brake PM emissions and tyre wear as part of EURO7. However, the recently sharpened EU Air quality directive that each city need to fulfil does not include indicators/pollutants specific for non-exhaust emissions.

A suggestion has been put that in the clean air zone, all diesel and gasoline vehicles would be banned, only electric vehicles and combustion vehicles that use biogas would be allowed. Experts and stakeholders are invited to a meeting where the suggestion should be revised to a final agreement to be put for the politicians.

Stakeholder Groups: Environmental departments of our largest municipalities/cities, Swedish EPA, Astma & Allergiförbundet, NGO AirClim, Auto Manufacturers Association, Associations of Manufacturers of Brakes and Tyres (FKG).

Course where the problem may be implemented: FKFN35/MAMF55

Wicked problem on circular materials

There is a strive and need to go from a linear material system to circular materials streams. This will save the environment by reducing the environmental footprint of humanity – by reducing the need of primary materials and lowering the carbon footprint. On the other hand, the utilization of waste will introduce new environmental and human risks since these residual streams are not as “clean” and “well defined” as primary materials.

Today the regulations are not optimized for secondary use of materials. As an example, as soon as a product is classified as waste it falls under specific waste legislation which is typically much stricter than the legislation for and regulation of primary materials when it comes to content of potentially toxic elements. A key question is if the current legislation related to waste management and secondary use of waste streams is adopted to the new circular economy, and how it should help saving the environment from the new threats, without stopping the transition into a circular economy?

One example of a waste material that can be utilized is ash from waste incineration. The fraction of waste that cannot be recycled in any other way will, also in the future, be incinerated recovering the inherent energy. A residue from the incineration is ash, classified as hazardous waste due to the high content of metals that needs to be utilized, if not as today putting it to landfills. However, even though the levels of potentially toxic elements in the ash are above the limit values for the waste to be used for secondary purposes, the levels are below those valid for primary materials, and tests show that these are not leaching/bioavailable.

Example of stake holder/interest groups:

  • Regulators of materials, circularity, climate
    • Municipalities, Governmental agencies, EU organs
  • Regulators on environmental protection
    • Governmental agencies, EU organs
  • Activists that
    • Primarily sees the risks with utilizing materials without being 100 % sure they are safe from the perspective of human and environmental exposure to PTEs
    • Want to save natural resources and reduce CO2 emissions (somewhat contrary to the above “activist type”)
  • Citizens

Course where the problem may be implemented: MAMN75

Wicked problem on air quality and climate

Is our strive for improved air-quality in conflict with climate mitigation?

Air pollution leads to ~6-9 million deaths globally. Most of these are due to inhalation of airborne particles, so-called aerosols. Cutting the emissions of aerosols (and aerosol forming species) would result in improvement of the air quality, leading to saved lives (and explicitly target SDG 3). However, aerosols cool the climate, and reducing the aerosol concentrations will therefore result in climate warming, further adding to human caused climate change (SDG 13).

Targeting aerosol emissions is not an easy task. Most human activities cause increased aerosol load (adding to the complexity of solving AQ issues). Some examples of these are combustion, agriculture, forest management, mechanical ware of cars’ breaks and tires. All of these impacts both the AQ and climate.

Further consideration: Aerosols have short lifetimes compared with typical transport times in the atmosphere. Hence, they become local and regional AQ problems rather than global ones. Should only regional stakeholders and interest groups sit at the table when discussing the AQ-CC nexus?

Suggestion of stakeholders and interest groups:

  • Regulators on climate mitigation
    • Municipalities, Governmental agencies, EU organs
  • Regulators on air quality
    • Municipalities, Governmental agencies, EU organs
  • Activists (mostly climate oriented in Europe, could be more air-quality oriented in some more polluted regions).
  • UN organs (WMO, WHO, IPCC, etc.)
  • Actors impacting the aerosol load, for example:
    • Industry, Agricultural sectors, Forest owners and forest management companies

Courses where this problem may be implemented: FKFN45


Biggs, J. (1996). Enhancing teaching through constructive alignment. Higher education, 32(3), 347-364.

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Lönngren, J. (2021). Wicked problems i lärande för hållbar utveckling–Vägledning för att ta fram exempel och problembeskrivningar. Högre utbildning, 11(3). In Swedish.

Lönngren, J., & van Poeck, K. (2021). Wicked problems: a mapping review of the literature. International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology, 28(6), 481–502. https://doi.org/10.1080/13504509.2020.1859415

Noordegraaf, M., Douglas, S., Geuijen, K., & Van Der Steen, M. (2019). Weaknesses of wickedness: A critical perspective on wickedness theory. Policy and Society, 38(2), 278-297.

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Sharp, E. L., Fagan, J., Kah, M., McEntee, M., & Salmond, J. (2021). Hopeful approaches to teaching and learning environmental “wicked problems”. Journal of Geography in Higher Education, 45(4), 621-639.

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